
lifecircle is an association which is led according to the rules of Swiss law. It was founded on 27.11.2011 in Basel. The association is open not only to mature people living in Switzerland, but also to all people on this earth. The association is located in Biel-Benken, Switzerland

lifecircle is committed to human dignity and self-determination especially in difficult circumstances of life.

lifecircle works closely together with the associated Eternal SPIRIT Foundation. All investments of association and foundation funds will be recorded and checked openly. Donations are used consequently in accordance with the statutes.

lifecircle is applying for membership of the «World Foundation of Right to Die Societies» (WFRtDS).

What is lifecircle committed to?

Quality of life and self-determination

Quality of life stands above duration of life. If a member quotes his/her life as unbearable, he/she should first be helped to improved quality of life. Being nursed  at home, creates often more quality of life. The quality of life can also be improved by technical aids. In some cases, quality of life can be promoted through financial assistance.

Every person should be able to make use of selfdetermination in every way, starting from the beginning of legal competence and going on right to the limit of loss of mental competence. A person cannot decide when, where and how he enters this world, but his self-determination allows him, as long as he is competent to decide, to determine for himself how, when and where he wants to leave this earth. lifecircle supports the members in this ability, the association stands up for allowance of self-determination particularly in difficult situations.

If quality of life cannot be improved in any way, the member shall be supported to minimize or shorten his or her suffering by palliative care or an assisted voluntary death (to be applied for at the Eternal SPIRIT Foundation).


lifecircle supports palliative care institutions, nursing homes and individuals who nurse their relatives at home, with own funds and with funds from the Eternal SPIRIT Foundation. Collaboration with hospices, home care, special oncology care and private organizations for nursing at home is very welcome.

Together with the Eternal SPIRIT Foundation, the association lifecircle supports the legalization of assisted voluntary death in all countries. In addition, close cooperation exists with the «Right to Die Societies».

lifecircle informs about the Swiss concept and is committed to self-determination especially at the end of life.